Spring racing in the PNW
I’ve been missing the boat a lot recently, but have been lucky enough to get out a fair bit on other peoples boats (which in some ways is even better) Firstly, I’ve been racing on Fiesty, a Martin 241 at… Continue reading
I’ve been missing the boat a lot recently, but have been lucky enough to get out a fair bit on other peoples boats (which in some ways is even better) Firstly, I’ve been racing on Fiesty, a Martin 241 at… Continue reading
So after the boatyard and sidney spit I ended up in Cadboro Bay for a couple of nights, while I finished my last week of work. This wasn’t a great couple of days, as the anchorage was very rolly and I had… Continue reading
So with 30 DAYS LEFT (NB: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) I’ve decided to set up a patreon account as I will be soon be doing rather more interesting stuff (I hope). This basically gives people the option to pay a small amount of money… Continue reading
Which is basically what I’ve been doing the last three weeks. In fairness, I’ve been sent to Ontario TWICE in that time meaning I’ve had virtually no time to get anything done. And the times I’ve actually been in Victoria,… Continue reading
As mentioned in my previous post, I was taking part in a race called the Northern Century on Gudge, with my friend Emma. The race started from Anacortes Yacht Club on Friday evening at 7:30, so on Thursday we sailed… Continue reading
This weekend I am taking part in my second race on Gudge – The Northern Century race. This is basically a double-handed 100 nautical mile race through (or around) the San Juan islands. My friend Phil (skippering his new boat… Continue reading
The last pre-requisite I needed to enter races was a PHRF rating – kind of like a handicapping system for boats. In theory, it means that fast boats can race against slow boats in a kind of even playing field… Continue reading
So I’ve been doing some racing recently, mainly as an attempt to learn more about sail trim beyond ‘the white things are up in the air and not flapping’ I started around a month ago after Phil invited me onto… Continue reading