About Gudgeon

Gudgeon is a 36 foot Hunter, designed in 1980 by John Cherubini. The Cherubini line of Hunters included a 25′, 27′, 30′, 33′, 36′, 37′ and a 54′. The 36 was probably the least produced of the line, being around for just 3 years.

She started off as Wind Chime, but after I lot of thought I changed the name in Feb 2015. She’s an extremely solid boat, and has a surprising turn of speed. She’s quirky though – with several ‘interesting’ decisions made in production, but has a lot to recommend it – a thick hull, easy engine access, lots of storage, and I love the lines on her.

When I found her she had been moldering in a marina in Ladner for 2 years – luckily fresh water, but she needed a LOT of TLC. And money. So much money :|.

After upgrading and sailing her around for 7 years, I attempted to sail her around the world, which was stymied by Brexit and then Covid, before I sold her down in Mexico after two years. Last I heard she is still happily sailing around there!


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