Winter is almost here

Look, I did it. I avoided making the obvious TV show reference in the title (I think it’s game of thrones?) Anyway. It’s got cold and very wet (it rained 27 days in October, a new record) and I have some things I need to do.

Firstly, find the leak or whatever it is that is filling the space under the engine when it rains. Cos it’s a LOT of water. That then sloshes over the cabin sole when the boat rocks around in a storm, meaning I get wet socks. Also it panics guests who think we are sinking. WE ARE NOT SINKING (yet), CALM YOURSELVES.

Secondly, tighten the toe rail as I think water is getting in there at the bow and dribbling down various places.

Thirdly, finish my windvane. I haven’t touched it since February, as there were outside things to do as the weather improved but I REALLY need to finish it this winter. I got most of the metalworking done so I just need to suck it up and finish stuff.

On the plus side, the boat has hardly any leaks compared to the last two winters, I rediscovered hot water bottles last winter and they are currently saving my life and are so cozy, and my dehumidifier is kicking arse and taking names (actually it’s just sucking up water BUT IT DOES IT VERY WELL). It’s also been extremely mild weather so far so I haven’t even had to fire up the diesel heater.

And, there are no fishing boats at my end of the commercial dock, meaning this is my morning view while I sit on the boom drinking coffee


Those lovely black spots are parts of my damaged phone camera lens hanging in there – I may pick them off



  1. Hey Matt glad you are chasing down those pesky leaks. Your view looks great. Where might that be?

  2. Regarding your leak under the engine. Have you checked your raw water pump?
    The seals on a raw water pump sometimes have to be redone. If you have your raw water sea cock shut then this is not it, unless your sea cock is leaking also.

    • Hey Graham,

      It’s a good thought but it’s not that unfortunately, I had to redo all the seals recently though! It only happens when it rains, i think it’s the engine cockpit hatch isn’t sealed properly

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