First maintenance

I arrived at my boat this evening, ready for a 3 and a half day run at repairs. Pitch black and raining, I wasn’t in the best of moods, but once I got the power on, my spirits soared. The first thing to do was chosen for me, when one of the bolts holding the ladder gave way as I was going up, dumping me ignominiously onto the floor. After picking myself up, I attacked it with a screwdriver from my BRAND NEW TOOLKIT, securing it back into the wall. Success! Boat 0 – Matthew 1.

There is a blocked port on the port rear side, so I halfhearted jammed the screwdriver down, expecting to need to come back with some wire. Much to my surprise, it cleared the jam and the water pool disappeared with a slurping sound. Two for two! I then managed to get a tarp setup, with the extra bungies I bought. Yeah! YEAH! AND, I found the dodger, that I was told was lost! My excitement was tempered by the fact I realised the frame isn’t secured correctly, so my visions of getting it up that evening were put on hold.

I think that’s it for tonight – it’s windy and rainy and dark and I can’t find my headlamp, all bad conditions for tinkering around with engines and controls and such. Tomorrow, I am working at real job, and then after that is finished I have 3 straight days of effort on this shifter cable. Can’t wait.




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