It was time to finish off the plumbing.
First, I installed the new taps in the bathroom
The old ones were pretty grotty as you can see. Again, I had a huge problem getting these things off and had to resort to a large nut and an Impact Driver (which seems to be the answer to most problems, if I’m being honest).
Once those taps were hooked up, I chlorine-shocked the tank – putting in a certain dilution of chlorine, running the lines and then letting it sit for a number of hours.
After that it was time to flush and install the filters! I installed a 5 micron carbon one just in front of the pump, and then for the drinking water I installed an additional double-filtration system that has another 5 micron filter and a 1 micron ceramic filter.
This needed a new faucet, so I worked out where it was going to go, and drilled a hole
Here is the new faucet!
After that it was just a matter of chasing leaks. And everything works great! So I have running, clean water, along with triple filter drinking water and hot water!