Its finally done, after several weeks of sweat, blood and lost pieces overboard. Thanks to the Nancy Blackett crew for winching me up and down the damn mast, and Billy and John for the help hanging out and making dick jokes.
I’m so entirely done with the whole thing I can’t be bothered to type about it, so here are some pics
Here is my setup, taken from
Installing the block at the bottom. That thing is what I dropped two of in the drink. Same setup as top.
The Spinnaker Car
Cam Cleats
At the bottom I epoxied on this mounting block, and attached this metal thing I got for 3 dollars to it to act as the bottom for the spinnaker pole.
The pole stored on the front of the mast!
This means my decks are completely clear! With the exception of the outboard gas tank – anyone has any ideas how to store that, I’m all ears.
Next up, learn to use the damn Spinnaker without dying.
I leave today so I did a couple of other jobs – refueled, took on water, topped up batteries and respliced the eye in my anchor rode.
I’m going North first, to Sidney Spit, Saltspring and then back down to the San Juans, then the week after I’ll be in the Seattle area. Should be a good trip!
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