
Yesterday, the wind had calmed down enough that I could go out to retrieve my other crab trab.

Once again I recruited my friend Nancy (who was noticeably more reluctant than the first time) and away we went.

This time the sea was a lot calmer, and we found the trap still around where we left it, 48 hours earlier. Instead of just doing a driveby on it, I managed to get stopped fairly close and we pulled it up without difficulty – hilariously, with absolutely zero crabs in. I guess they had all managed to find their way out in the 2 days the trap had been sat there?

Anyway, we then headed back. Flushed with success and hubris, I wasn’t as worried about docking as the previous times, and was rewarded by not slowing down fast enough and then hitting the dock, with a worryingly crunchy sound. Of course there were a ton of people stood around the dock, which shook, just to make sure everyone noticed.

Oh well. In the end the only damage was a small nick out of the fiberglass/gelcoat, that will easily fixed, and my pride! (less easily fixed)


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